We have something for EVERYONE...

Are you searching for a deeper understanding of life? Ready to find where you fit into the big picture? The people of Destin United Methodist Church welcome you in your pursuit of answers and a place to belong.

At Destin United Methodist, they are focused on authentic faith, not being too concerned with the externals of religion. Their desire is to grow in relationship with God through Jesus Christ. They are committed to becoming people who are actively involved in worship, intimately connected in community and passionately engaged in God's mission here and around the world.Maybe that kind of authenticity appeals to you. You are invited to visit and see if this might be a place you can call your church home.

Service Times:
8:00 am - Sanctuary Traditional Worship
9:30 am - Sanctuary Contemporary Worship
11:00 am - Sactuary Traditional Worship

Senior Pastor: Dr. Ken Taylor

Destin United Methodist Church

P.O. Box 39, Destin, Florida 32541, United States
Phone: 850-837-2021
Fax: 850-654-5921

